The Benefits of Staffing

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

The world of Recruiting and Staffing continues to grow each year, both in the number of companies that provide these services along with the countless people who benefit from finding work through them. Temporary Staffing Agencies’ play a very large part in this success for business both small and large. With a Temporary Staffing Agencies, the employee works for the Agency and not the employer. A preapproved amount of time is selected for the contract work, which could be as short as a few months and up to a few years. The Employer has the option to hire the employee themselves at any point throughout the process. Some companies prefer to interview this potential contractor before they can start an assignment, while others prefer the Agency to do all the screening and have the candidate start at the designated date and time. The number of benefits that this provides a company is truly immeasurable, but we have outlined what we believe to be the 7 most valuable benefits of using a Staffing Agency.


  1. Faster Results
    1. Staffing Agencies have the resources to find and acquire talent far exceeding the average Hiring Manager. The time it will take them to have someone working in the position, compared to the company staffing internally, can be 10-1. From candidate pool, background screening, checking references, payroll, and providing employee benefits’; staffing agencies are streamlined for efficiency.
  2. Cost Savings
    1. Temporary employees can provide cost savings in more ways than you might think. Immediate savings can be found through your company’s employment burden and inefficient division of labor. Working with an agency, an employer can pass their “employment burden” (unemployment cost, employee benefits, workman’s compensation, and regulated employer taxes) down to the Staffing Agency. Staffing Agencies are also able to more closely monitor overtime hours worked, and augment internal employees overtime hours with temporary workers’ standard time.Long term and arguably the largest cost savings, comes from cutting down the chances of a “bad hire”. Hiring experts currently estimate the cost of a bad hire anywhere 30-200% of a candidate’s annual salary (depending on level of role). Trying out a candidate before making that decision to bring them on board can drastically cut these chances.
  1. Timing
    1. Unexpected leave? Behind on a project? Staffing Agencies are able to provide a solution to scheduling nightmares. From covering Maternity leave to holiday extended hours, or overnight and weekend work when you are behind on a project. Contractors can work these extra shifts to ensure your business doesn’t miss a step.
  2. Room to Grow
    1. Staffing allows companies to have a built-in trial period for potential new employees. Bringing on a contract employee full time is a huge benefit for companies. These employees might not originally meet the criteria needed for the position but are able to prove themselves through the work and then be brought on full time.
  3. Help Current Staff
    1. Often bringing on a temporary employee will help improve the full-time employee’s performance. The extra work they can take on will prevent your employees from being burnt out or overloaded. This allows your employees to focus on the task that are most crucial to your business.
  4. Diverse Workforce
    1. Temporary Staffing offers a wide variety of skillset. From Administrative Assistants and Lead Generator to Software Developers and Engineers. There is no end to the type and level of skillset available with only a phone call away.
  5. Increased productivity
    1. Staff Agencies take the bulk of the hiring work off you and your team. With programs like “Right to Hire”; you can focus on your tasks and responsibilities as a manager and let the interviewing and hiring be conducted by a Staffing Agency.

Many great business leaders are often quoted naming people as the secret to any great organization. If this is indeed the secret to success then it is crucial to use every tool possible to ensure you have the best employees. Temporary staffing can be both the quick and long-term solutions to ensure a companies’ growth and future success. For more information about the benefits of staffing be sure to follow our blog or contact us directly.

Crawford Thomas RecruitingThe Benefits of Staffing