How to Motivate your Team for the Second Half of the Year

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Keeping your team motivated and fired up all year long can be difficult. A lot of times, managers don’t know exactly what to say day after day to keep the revenue flowing and productivity high. After the 4th of July holiday, employees come in dragging their feet. This is what we call the second half syndrome. There will be employees that want to coast for the next 6 months, the question is, how can you ensure they’re still motivated and ready to work hard each and every day.

These are the three best ways to keep your team motivated and avoid the second half syndrome.

Set an Example

If you’re the boss, manager, supervisor, leader, or whatever, be the best one you can be. Don’t take continuous time off from the office, don’t work from home if the rest of your employees are in the office. According to Your Career Central, “Almost nothing kills team motivation faster than a leader whom team members perceive as dishonest, ungrateful or unmotivated”. You should be a reflection of what you’d like to see out of your employees. Get excited about a sale, or meeting a project due date, small victories keep everyone happy.

Reward Small Achievements

When your team achieves any short or long term goal, it is important to reward them as a group. Something they can all enjoy together will increase moral and avoid anyone being left out of the fun. Ask around the office to see what types of incentives people want when they have accomplished a goal. Perhaps letting the office go an hour early, or providing lunch, there are so many ways that are cost efficient and easy to execute to reward all office achievements.

Reestablish Goals

Your January meeting regarding company goals for 2018 is in the rear view, about 6 months back! It’s time to reconfirm with your team what they’re working towards for the remainder of the year and the weeks in between. Ensure there are metrics that can be measured so you’re able to award individuals as well as teams whom accomplish these goals. If you have employees that are still feeling unmotivated, it’s best to set small daily goals. Don’t micro manage these people, but check in to see if you can assist or provide guidance.

While 2018 is only 1/2 way over, it’s very important to keep spirits high and ensure your team is pumped for the fun times ahead!

For more info on how to motivate your team, just send us an email

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingHow to Motivate your Team for the Second Half of the Year