Forbes Human Resource Council: 20 Interview Tips To Get Yourself On The Shortlist For A Job

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

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Landing an interview for your dream job is a significant step, but now you need to make a lasting impression to stand out as one of the top candidates. In today’s crowded job market, this can be challenging. Here are 20 tips from Forbes Human Resources Council members, including Crawford Thomas Recruiting President, William Stonehouse III, to help you nail your job interview and get shortlisted.

The original article can be found here.

1. Understand Your Unique Value

Know what you bring to the table beyond your resume. Present your whole self during the interview. – Caitlin MacGregor, Plum

2. Show Long-Term Company Insight

Understand the company’s long-term plans and discuss how you can contribute to its vision. – Katrina Jones

3. Use Specific Examples

Highlight specific skills and experiences that align with the job requirements. – Kshitij Jain, Joveo

4. Demonstrate Enthusiasm

Show passion for the role, industry, and company. Your excitement can be a decisive factor for hiring managers. – Alex Gillespie, Gillespie Manners

5. Utilize the STAR Method

Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure and emphasize your professional accomplishments. – Dr. Timothy J. Giardino

6. Show Interest Throughout

Engage, show enthusiasm, and follow up with the hiring manager to express your interest and how you can contribute to the company’s success. – Janet Vardeman, Avanade

7. Demonstrate Positive Impact

Explain how you can positively impact the organization’s broader strategic aims. – Charlotte Sweeney OBE, Charlotte Sweeney Associates (CSA)

8. Highlight Soft Skills

Showcase your communication, teamwork, and adaptability skills. – CJ Eason,

9. Research Thoroughly

Thoroughly research the company and tailor your responses to align with its values and goals. – Vinamre Gupta, Moody’s Corporation

10. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

Customize your resume and cover letter to highlight experiences that support your ability to perform the role. – Niki Jorgensen, Insperity

11. Relate Your Skills to the Job

Read job postings carefully and highlight how your skills meet the company’s needs. – Erin ImHof, CertiK

12. Prepare Thoughtful Questions

Prepare questions that demonstrate your knowledge about the company’s culture and recent developments. – Tia Smith, Cognizant

13. Update Social Media Profiles

Ensure your LinkedIn and other professional profiles reflect your achievements and capabilities. – Britton Bloch, Navy Federal

14. Personalize Applications

Submit personalized job applications tailored to each position and display initiative throughout the hiring process. – Laura Spawn, Virtual Vocations, Inc.

15. Be Authentic

Be yourself. Authenticity can set you apart from other candidates. – Dr. Lisa Toppin, Input to Action

16. Leverage Recruiters

Use recruiters as resources to understand what hiring managers are looking for and how to showcase your skills. – Ursula Mead, InHerSight

17. Use Real Examples

Provide specific examples relevant to the role and organization instead of hypotheticals. – Jon Lowe, DailyPay

18. Show Passion for the Mission

Show genuine passion for the company’s mission and practice common interview questions using the STAR method. – Subhash Chandar, Laminaar Aviation Infotech Group

19. Demonstrate Tangible Impacts

Show tangible impacts from previous roles tailored to the hiring company’s challenges. – William Stonehouse, Crawford Thomas Recruiting

20. Position Yourself as an Asset

Speak the company’s language and quantify your impact to position yourself as an asset. – Michael D. Brown, Global Recruiters of Buckhead

Elaborating on Crawford Thomas Recruiting President, William Stonehouse III’s advice below:

To stand out in today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to show tangible impacts you’ve had in previous roles. This means providing concrete examples of how your work positively influenced your previous employers. William Stonehouse, President of Crawford Thomas Recruiting, emphasizes the importance of tailoring these examples to the specific challenges and opportunities faced by the hiring company.

Here’s how to effectively demonstrate tangible impacts:

1. Identify Relevant Achievements: Review your past roles and identify specific achievements that had a measurable impact. For instance, did you increase sales, improve efficiency, or lead a successful project? Quantify these achievements with numbers, percentages, or other metrics to highlight their significance.

2. Tailor Examples to the Company’s Needs: Research the hiring company to understand its current challenges and strategic goals. Then, select examples from your past that are most relevant to these areas. For instance, if the company is looking to expand its market presence, you could discuss how you successfully led a marketing campaign that resulted in a 30% increase in market share.

3. Use the STAR Method: Structure your examples using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to clearly explain the context and your contribution. This method helps to organize your thoughts and present your achievements in a compelling narrative.

4. Highlight Your Role: Be specific about your role in achieving the results. Instead of saying, “The team increased sales,” say, “I developed a new sales strategy that increased sales by 20% over six months.” This clarifies your direct contribution.

5. Connect to the New Role: Make explicit connections between your past achievements and the potential impact you could have in the new role. For example, “Given my experience in increasing sales through innovative strategies, I’m confident I can help your company achieve its growth targets.”

By focusing on tangible impacts and aligning them with the hiring company’s needs, you can clearly demonstrate your value and make a compelling case for why you should be shortlisted for the job. This approach not only showcases your skills and experience but also shows that you understand the company’s challenges and are prepared to address them effectively.

Crawford Thomas RecruitingForbes Human Resource Council: 20 Interview Tips To Get Yourself On The Shortlist For A Job