Millennials are often pegged as being entitled. But then again, every generation got a bad rap at some point. Studies talked about how selfish Baby Boomers are, and how Generation-X are making a big mess… Needless to say, the media likes to toast just about every generation. We just tend to forget.
Overnight success is not something to strive for, but there is something to be said about being empowered to see what you want and go for it.
Millennials want to grow their careers quickly and don’t plan on putting in years and years of time to get what they want. This is, again, largely due to the recession being hurtful for their careers. The good news is that they’re willing to work hard in their job when they know it’s getting them somewhere, and they feel their employer is committed to growing them. The bad news is that means you need to stay on your toes as an employer.
Managers must choose to view this as an opportunity to start developing their Millennial hires from the first day they walk through the door. Upon hiring a new Millennial employee, set up a meeting to discuss their career trajectory, and lay out a path that is aggressive yet attainable, and hand them the tools to make their career flourish. Also be sure to ask what specifically motivates them, as knowing this is a key to your successful management.
If you’re a Gen-X’er or Baby Boomer, you probably think this is entitled, needy or narcissistic of your new Millennial hire… but the truth of the matter is they’ll work harder than a lot of other hires if you’re able to spell this out for them.
Do yourself a favor by doing them this favor.
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