Should You Take On The Same Job Twice?

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

According to LinkedIn’s Jordan Burton (Talent and Leadership Advisor), the answer is no. In my 15 years in executive assessment, I’ve had the privilege of walking through the full career histories of about 500 CEOs and C-level executives. The highest …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingShould You Take On The Same Job Twice?

Here are the top 5 recruiting priorities of recruitment professionals in 2022

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

According to Finances Online, “Job seeking and hiring have changed in recent years. One of the main drivers of this development is the way companies recruit candidates.” Below is general hiring data that will impact hiring in the coming years. …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingGeneral Hiring Statistics

Half-Year Resolutions

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Many people make New Year’s resolutions—but how many actually follow through with them? Statistics show that six months after optimistically setting their intention, the majority of people—54%—don’t keep it. The numbers are even more discouraging by the end of the …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingHalf-Year Resolutions