Landing the Perfect Candidate

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Five Questions to Land the Perfect Candidate. Let’s look at five questions we ask our clients in order to source for the perfect candidate. Working with a Recruiting Firm such as Crawford Thomas Recruiting has become essential to finding the …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingLanding the Perfect Candidate

How Employers are Using Social Media

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Employers and Recruiters are using Social Media to Screen Candidates. Both Clients and Candidates will benefit from this information. Whether you’re looking for a candidate to hire, or making a career move, keep this in mind. Career Builder conducted a study …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingHow Employers are Using Social Media

One thing all hiring managers agree on

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Thank You notes – Why they’re so important after an interview. This may surprise some of you, but not everyone knows that it’s truly a “must-do” after your interview. Thank You notes can paint a big picture about your professionalism. …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingOne thing all hiring managers agree on

Are You Asking The Best Interview Questions?

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Best Interview Questions: A Guide from Client to Candidate.   When it comes to hiring new talent, developing an efficient, respectful, streamlined interview process is critical. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Having a list of random interview questions …

Crawford Thomas RecruitingAre You Asking The Best Interview Questions?