When you’re a kid, you don’t yet have the tools that help process actions and your emotions – tools like maturity, patience or looking at the context of a situation. By the time you reach adulthood, you should have a …
National Compliment Day
January 24th is National Compliment Day Our friends at Inc.com created a friendly list of compliments you and your co-workers should use on a regular basis! 28 ways to compliment co-workers So, what can you say consistently that will cause your …
The Job Market Trends that Defined 2018
Article by ZipRecruiter 2018 was definitely a year for the job market record books. The unemployment rate hit 3.7% in September, which was the lowest it has been in half a century. In April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) …
What Are Soft Skills?
Whether you’re a busy recruiter or a hiring manager, bringing on the right people takes creativity, resourcefulness and (sometimes) a little luck. Candidates may have their hard skills locked, but what about things like team spirit, or conflict resolution? Article …
Our List of 11 Interview Tips
It’s all about getting through the first round of interviews. Here are 11 ways to help get you to the next stage in the interview process and onto the final! Research the company Know why you want the job Bring …
Black Friday Facts
Taking a break from the recruiting and staffing related content to bring you some fun and surprising Black Friday Facts! I will not be participating in the craziness of Black Friday. I am more of a Cyber-Monday guy. Although my …
8 Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving in the Office
Here are a few ways you can celebrate fall and the upcoming holiday at your workplace: Hang up a ‘Thankful Board’. Place a bulletin board or poster in a public area and ask employees to post things they are thankful for …
7 LinkedIn hacks that will help you get noticed by recruiters
Many professionals update their LinkedIn profiles only when they are actively searching for a job. That’s a mistake, according to best-selling management author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch. Recruiters are constantly mining LinkedIn’s 467 million profiles to identify top candidates. Having …
Business Professional Clothing Drive
UCF College of Business Alumni Chapter’s Business Professional Clothing Drive More Info Here Help UCF students dress for success by donating your new or gently used business attire from Now – Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018! We need you to partner with the …
2018 Top States for Doing Business
Florida made it back to the list of the top 10 states for doing business, and Georgia stays on top for the 5th year in a row! Crawford Thomas Recruiting has locations nationwide, our three primary offices are in Orlando, …